ATTENTION Arthritis Sufferers Who Can't Live Another Day With Painful, Stiff, Or Swollen Hands, Hips, And Knees ...
"I Didn't Wait Until The Surgeon Carved Up My Elbow ... I Turned To THIS To Fix My Stiff, Swollen, And Immoveable Joints."
Hi, my name is Kevin and I work here at JayLab Pro. I would like to tell you how 2018, hands-down, is going down as the WORST year ever and how I almost, ALMOST had my elbow filleted like a fish for the SECOND time …
I mean, I told myself that I was going to have a great 2018 …it was going to be my YEAR …
But things never seem to go according to plan. Maybe the universe decided to throw my wishes back at me like a boomerang, hitting me straight upside the head and nearly knocking me unconscious.
If you’ve heard of the black cloud … and you’re wondering where it may have gone … well it’s plenty dark over here, so I probably have a few stacked up, getting ready to strike me down with lightning at the slightest wrong move.
Any-hoo …
This year has brought a lot of ups and even more downs, that I can’t really figure out where to begin..
Maybe it was the crab that I told myself not to have …
Perhaps it was endless pancake stacks at IHOP …
Now that I think about it, it was the crab … definitely the crab.
Whatever it was, 2018 wasn’t a great year for me! Where to start …
How about the start of summer … you know, when people are striking a pose and fitting well into their bikinis!
Well, here I was, about to head to the gym, when my elbow started to ache … and it wasn’t that familiar ache from lifting those heavy dumbbells or throwing my body up and down during those foolish pullups.
No, this was a different, yet very familiar, type of pain.
As I struggled with straightening my arm, I remembered 10 years back when this SAME EXACT pain occurred.
It was that moment when I finally realized what was happening:
My Elbow Was In A Full-Blown Gout Attack!
After visiting my doctor, who sent me to an Orthopedic specialist, the truth rang home, bashing in my elbow like only steel-toed boots can …
My elbow is a mess—and surgery is probably the only thing that will fix it. After a few x-rays and some bloodwork …
I was sent to the waiting room to “wait” it out until the results came in. I couldn’t go home because they were afraid I would DROP DEAD walking out the door or at home, leaving them responsible for my demise.
But it never happened …
But what DID happen was this:
As I was waiting, I noticed some flyers on the table. A few of them didn’t strike my fancy, but one sure did. The headline said:
“Do You Have Cranky Knees, Hips, or Elbows? You’re Not Alone!”
I was hooked immediately, like a big bass at the end of a line.
I picked up the flyer and here’s what it said:
In the very near future, more and more people will be living with titanium hips and knees, making everyone a bionic man or woman.
By the year 2030, there will be 3.5 million joint replacements performed each day—that’s an over 600% increase from today’s norm.
Why is this happening?
For starters, arthritic pain treatment has FAILED you.
That’s right, everything you’ve been told to do to alleviate swelling, pain, discomfort, and stiffness …
Do NOT effectively manage the chief problems associated with joint pain—pro-inflammatory particles that have made a home inside your hips, knees, fingers, elbows, and toes.
Drugs aren’t working …
Exercise and physiotherapy treatment may only manage the pain for a short time …
Heat and cold therapy trick your body into thinking there’s no pain…
Joint protection may actually make the surrounding muscles WEAKER, therefore contributing to pain and stiffness in your joints.
In order to eliminate joint pain and destruction, once and for all, you need to attack the destructive molecules that are slowly decimating your joints.
Like gradual pressure changes coal into a diamond … the same pressure destroys delicate tissue in your joints, leaving them stiff, swollen, and painful.
Well, you don’t say?
Turns out, there are 3.5 million other people, just like me, who are in danger of losing their joints.
As I kept reading, my sour mood took a hopeful turn …
Emerging data suggests that fatty acids from a tiny crustacean found in Antarctica, may act in synergy with other natural anti-inflammatory molecules produced by your body …
The result: An invisible stop sign, telling pro-inflammatory molecules that have taken up residence in your joints, to quit it or move on out.
The FUTURE of soothing joint pain, swelling, and stiffness may be found in Krill Oil!
Krill, which are found in the frigid waters off the coast of Antarctica, may neutralize pro-inflammatory molecules, essentially turning off the lights on joint pain and swelling.
Unlike other medications, pain-relieving creams or other long-chain fatty acids (that don’t work well enough), Krill oil has a unique cell structure that may explain its amazing benefits for joint health.
A study conducted on people suffering from joint pain, showed:
- 300 mg of krill oil slashed C-reactive protein levels (marker of inflammation), in HALF after just one month of use.
- After just 7 days of treatment with Krill Oil, the participants showed reduced pain scores by 28.9 percent
- Also, stiffness and functional impairment scores were reduced 20.3 percent and 22.8 percent respectively.
As we continue to grow old and want to walk painlessly into the sunset …
Joint replacement for osteoarthritis WILL continue to rise—especially as we stop exercising due to pain and stiffness in our joints.
All these fancy words mean is that there is something out there that may actually WORK to fix my joints!
Just in time, as the greedy doctor was drooling over the prospect of digging open my elbow to see what the hubbub was (and bill my insurance company an obscene amount of money) …
I was thinking about the alternative … a pain-free elbow with the help of Krill Oil.
It took a few weeks … but the swelling finally subsided and I regained about 95 percent of my range of motion.
But the BEST PART of all this commotion that ruined my summer, I learned that:
No Drug Therapy Has Proved To Be Effective At Slowing Or REVERSING Joint Damage From Osteoarthritis.
Prescription-strength medications often used by arthritis sufferers, offer modest benefits that may or may not stabilize and slow the gradual decimation of your once healthy joints.
But is that enough?
Sure, your joints may need a little piece of titanium to fix the structural damage …
But what they really need is something that will lasso the pesky pro-inflammatory particles that are currently destroying your healthy tissue.
This is where Krill Oil comes in.
Marine sources of long-chain fatty acids, like what is found in Omega Icon Krill Oil, may offer the best protection from pro-inflammatory cytokines by hogtying them and sending them packing.
Krill, hands down, may protect your joint cartilage from inflammatory molecules that have a destructive appetite and constantly chew up healthy tissue.
Krill is not just in the business of protecting your joints …
Thanks to Krill oil’s sleek body and adaptability, the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, have a much easier time getting into the joint to protect it.
Krill Oil is as slick as a whistle when it comes to invading your joints and putting up a solid barrier against these destructive parasites.
One study noted that krill oil seamlessly infiltrated the joints, where it had an immediate impact at reducing pain, swelling, and loss of function in the participant’s joints.
Adding Krill Oil To Your Diet May Help Manage Pain and Prevent Joint Destruction When Compared To Fish Oil.
It gets 10X better, trust me …
Krill oil contains naturally-occurring Astaxanthin, which acts as the first spark to accelerate your results.
This carotenoid naturally occurs in most deep sea algae. And this algae is the perfect diet for krill.
So naturally, thanks to its diet, krill is able to absorb high concentrations of Astaxanthin into its body.
How does it work for your joints?
This little bugger works in two distinct ways that is only unique to Astaxanthin.
Firstly, Astaxanthin lowers the amount of tissue oxidation that eventually leads to inflammation.
Simply put, it nips the inflammatory process in the bud…
But it doesn’t stop there …
It also shuts down the catabolic enzymes responsible for manufacturing inflammatory cells (called cytokines) that eventually digest healthy cells and tissue.
Now, when it comes to joint health, Astaxanthin has a more intimate relationship compared to essential fatty acids.
Inside your joint, you have this soft cushion that helps withstand impact from external forces. It’s like a down pillow for your joints, allowing you to run, jump, climb … do anything with your body—and do it pain-free.
This tissue, known as cartilage, protects the ends of bones, therefore contributing to proper joint health.
But as we get older, this cartilage wears away, causing even more friction in the joint.
That burning … stinging … locking … and bone-on-bone feeling you’re constantly aware of when you walk, bike, or get out of bed, is because the cartilage has deteriorated so badly, that you are literally walking on bone.
This gradual degradation of your joints may actually be due to an accelerated response by the enzyme MMP-13.
But Astaxanthin—in all its glory--prevents this enzyme from destroying your cartilage, therefore keeping stability and integrity in your joints.
Now, where are you going to get both Astaxanthin and Krill Oil in one place?
The answer is simple: Omega Icon Krill Oil!
Get Your 30-Day Supply Here
If you’ve been a fan of our products, then you’ve heard tons about Omega Icon—especially as it relates to heart health.
For the most part, that’s why we formulated Omega Icon—as a way to protect your heart as you get older, so you can live a long, healthy, and productive life.
No sitting on the sidelines for you … we want you always in the game, enjoying every little bit that this short life has to offer.
But something unexpected happened …
Although we were getting plenty of reviews on how Omega Icon helped lower cholesterol and blood pressure …
One day, back in 2014, we got a review that completely changed our way of thinking.
The review was short and to the point:
“Knees and Joints Feel Better.”
Holy cow—a joint review!
So we contacted the customer to see if there was anything else she was taking that might have been contributing to her pain relief.
And to our surprise, she wasn’t taking anything else—not even Advil!
We were shocked! But it didn’t stop there …
The reviews started to trickle in at first, but after a while, there was a flood of reviews showing that Omega Icon Krill Oil may be an effective strategy for reducing joint pain and improving heart health with one single dose, every single day.
Omega Icon was able to help this woman with her joint pain—and now we can see why!
Omega Icon Krill Oil contains both the powerful omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, and naturally-occurring Astaxanthin--which has been shown to alleviate joint pain.
And not just for a few hours like Advil … taking it every day, people felt better about their joints … had less pain … less burning … and less stiffness …
And it lasted all day long … all week long … all month long …
In fact, Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter (who so happens to be my commander-in-chief) once joked when I told him about my elbow pain and said:
“Why Not Rub Some Krill Oil On Your Elbow? That Stuff Seems To Fix Everything.”
After taking his advice, I started taking Omega Icon Krill Oil and have noticed less stiffness and pain in my elbow—and ZERO flare ups since last summer!
Now, I am living proof that joint pain may be remedied by Omega Icon Krill Oil—but why would you believe me?
That’s why I want to share some of the testimonials we have received over the years on Omega Icon Krill Oil and how useful it is for treating joint pain and arthritis symptoms.
“Krill oil has helped my joints.”
“Omega Icon keeps me pain-free. I have fibromyalgia, and it's the ONLY thing that helps me to stay active. Thank you for this amazing product.”
“Yes, I haven’t purchased from you for awhile. Last time the krill oil really smelled bad but I will give it another try since it really helped my joint pain.”
“Keeps me healthy and moving well.”
“Joint pain better”
“Improved hip joint”
“I received my order yesterday. I was in so much pain in my hip after weeks once again I could hardly get out of bed and could not stand up straight. I took the EPA krill oil. Amazing. Went out and walked two miles and did not feel hungry. That was all within the first hour. Looking forward to great results with this product. I can HIGHLY recommend your company. Thank you.”
As you can see, Omega Icon Krill Oil is very powerful and may “wrassle” away joint pain better than other arthritis treatments, including glucosamine and chondroitin.
In fact, the healthy fats and powerful antioxidants in Omega Icon Krill Oil may slow the inflammatory processes that destroy soft cartilage in your joints, therefore adding protection to your vulnerable joint tissue that is under constant stress and pressure.
So, if you suffer from stiff, swollen, or even painful joints, I want to give you the opportunity to restore your joint health today with Omega Icon Krill Oil.
Just 2 softgels, taken once per day, could help you take back control over joint pain, so you can live your life to the fullest without taking another excruciating step … or feeling that dreadful pang whenever you climb the stairs.
Again, here’s how Omega Icon may improve your joint health:
Decreased joint pain—naturally reduces inflammation and flushes your joints with beneficial nutrients. The result could lead to a 3X reduction in pain in the first 7 days of treatment.
Slows Inflammatory Processes—inflammatory processes may slowly attack the healthy cartilage in your joints, leaving your joints in a state of disrepair. But the beneficial fats and antioxidants found in Omega Icon Krill may slow these inflammatory processes, therefore maintaining strength and integrity in your joints.
Protects Cartilage—the death of cartilage is the biggest factor to overcome in Osteoarthritis. But the healthy fats found in Krill Oil may protect cartilage from inflammatory processes, therefore preventing the destruction of healthy cartilage.
Reduces Destructive Enzyme Activity—MMP-13 is a destructive enzyme that destroys all cartilage in its path. But thanks to Astaxanthin—a naturally-occurring antioxidant found in Krill Oil—MMP-13 may never have a chance to destroy healthy joint tissue again.
Today, I want to give you a risk-free trial of Omega Icon Krill Oil, so you too can supercharge your joint health.
Take it for 60 days, and if you don’t see and feel a difference in your joint health, simply return the unused portion for a full refund.
Really, I am giving you this product for 30 days so you can prove me wrong that Omega Icon Krill Oil is not the strongest, most effective formula for improving your joint health.
But I am confident that you will see a reduction in joint pain … less swelling … more stability … and a much stronger feeling in your knees, hips, shoulders, and hands.
Again, if you don’t notice a change in your joint health in the next 60 days, simply return any unused product for a full refund.
There’s no risk—try it today:
Omega Icon 1 Bottle Free Shipping
Omega Icon 6 pack
Omega Icon 3 Bottles Free Shipping
1. Ierna M, Kerr A, Scales H, Berge K, Griinan M. Supplementation of diet with krill oil protects against experimental rheumatoid arthritis. BMC Muscloskelet Disord. 2010;11:136.
2. Suzuki Y, Fukushima M, Sakuraba K, Sawaki K, Sekigawa, K. Krill Oil Improves Knee Joint Pain: A Randomized Control Trial. PLoS One. 2016;11(10):e0162769.
3. Ulven SM. Kirhus B. Lamglait A, Basu S, Elind E, Haider T, Berge K, Vik H, Pedersen JI. Metabolic effects of krill oil are essentially similar to those of fish oil but at lower doses of EPA and DHA, in healthy volunteers. Lipids. 2011 Jan;45(1):37-46.
4. Wann AK, Mistry J, Blain EJ, Michael-Titus AT, Knight MM. Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid reduce interleukin-1β-mediated cartilage degradation. Arthritis Res Ther. 2010;12(6):R207.
5. Kim YJ, Kim YA, Yokozawa T. Protection against oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis of high-glucose-exposed proximinal tubular epithelial cells by astaxanthin. J Agric Food Chem. 2009 Oct 14;57(19):8793-7. Wolf AM, Asoh S, Hiranuma H, Ohsawa I, Iio K, Satou A, Ishikura M, Ohta S. Astaxanthin protects mitochondrial redox state and functional integrity against oxidative stress. J Nutr Biochem. 2010 May;21(5):381-9.